Davis℠ Programs

All Davis programs are designed to be enjoyable, using the individual’s natural creativity and gifts. Each program is individually tailored to the person’s goals and proceeds at their own pace. The tools given, techniques and solutions developed, and skills gained, work alongside and complement curriculums and can be integrated into school, university or workplace practices and requirements.

Davis℠ Mastery for Dyslexia

The Davis℠ Mastery for Dyslexia is made up of three parts in four steps:

  • Pre Program – Initial consultation The first step is an initial consultation and assessment. This is an opportunity to meet with the individual and their support person or parent – if applicable. I use a tool, called a symptoms profile to identify the strengths, talents and abilities which we will utilise to overcome the areas of weakness and enable the person to achieve their goals.
  • Intensive program  A 40 hour, one on one program, 30 of which are usually spread over five or six consecutive days. Using a fun and creative, strength based approach, the individual is given a method to help them see two dimensional symbols accurately.
    • They learn techniques for stress and anxiety management, improved balance and coordination, and clarity of hearing, thinking and speaking. Dyslexics are notoriously curious and need to understand how things work; so this natural ability is valued, strengthened and utilised in their dyslexia correction program.
  • Post Program:

On the final day of the program, I train the client and the support person who will help them afterwards and discuss the important home component of the program.

  • It is self-paced and designed to fit into their normal life.
  • I also reinforce their new skills, understanding, and knowledge they have acquired during the week.
  • In the support training, I outline the specific Davis reading and spelling exercises and the method used to permanently resolve confusion with letters and/or words.
  • All this is negotiated towards a personally tailored timetable.

Follow Up: After the program when the person has returned home to their normal activities, they will have at least three specific follow up sessions with me to assist them in the essential post-program component.

  • In addition to this, general support is available on an ongoing basis –either by phone or email – as needed.

girl creating letters with clay

  • During a typical program, the individual masters letters to remove confusions that can trigger disorientation and mistakes when reading, writing or spelling.
  • We also cover grammar, punctuation, and pronunciation,  looking for certainty, understanding, and mastery.
    • Dictionary skills and spelling techniques are developed, along with skills that can be transferred into other areas of their life, and learning.

Alphabet made in clay

Results: Doing a Davis℠ Mastery for Dyslexia program may result in an increase in reading age and overall school/study performance or greater confidence and success in the workplace. Study results.

Davis℠ Mastery for Attention

Clay figure of a girl in front of two pompoms Davis℠ Mastery for Attention is an innovative, proven and effective and may also be a drug free approach, to identifying the source of the characteristics of ADHD, maximising the advantages and strengths, and reducing the incidence and need for the less desirable behaviours.

The Characteristics  of ADHD
Possible Weaknesses  Some Potential Strengths
difficulty concentrating on one thing at a time – easily distracted multi-tasking,  quick thinking, and big picture person
restless an active learner – learns best by moving,
poor concept of time strongly focused on particular tasks, goal-oriented, great researcher
disorganised creative and innovative, inventive
lack of understanding of effect his/her behaviour on others may be highly intuitive and empathetic, good self-esteem, strong beliefs
  • The core of a Davis℠ Mastery for Attention Program addresses the missing or inaccurate concepts such as change, cause and effect, and consequence.
    • This is achieved through an active and creative approach, with practical exercises, and application of the new learning in the home, and school/work environments as needed.
  • With tools to help focus, control anxiety and manage behaviour, a new way of being and behaving is established.

Davis℠ Mastery for Maths

“In a maths problem, there are always three pieces of information. Two pieces are given. Doing Maths is simply finding the third piece of information.” ~ Ronald D. Davis

Some people have more difficulty with the symbols of numerals and operation signs, and the concepts involved in maths, than with words and letters, although difficulty reading accurately can have a direct bearing upon mathematical ability. This is particularly evident in word problems for school students. However, it can also impact tertiary studies and adults in the workplace in sometimes the most surprising ways.
School girl doing Arithmetic

  • right-left orientation
  • following directions (eg. maps or a set of instructions)
  • learning to tell the time
  • being on time
  • musical notation
  • physical coordination in sports or dance
  • remembering events in the correct sequence

from, The Gift of Learning, by Ronald D. Davis and Eldon M. Braun ©2003, used with permission.

In the Davis℠ Mastery for Maths program, (which can be done after or separately to the Davis℠ Mastery for Dyslexia Program), the core concepts are unpacked in a relaxed yet in-depth way.

The aim is to provide a thorough understanding of the mathematical processes in general, starting at the basics, experiencing success and moving on to the achievement of new milestones and achieving their goals.

As with all Davis℠ programs, it is one on one, individually tailored to meet the individual’s needs and to address any difficulties that arise in the course of the program. Also consistent with all things Davis, is the creative, fun and hands-on approach in a gentle, supportive and caring environment.

Davis℠ Foundations for Reading Program

“When someone masters something, it becomes a part of that person. It becomes part of the individual’s thought and creative process.” Ronald D. Davis

This program was developed to cater for young children between the ages of 5 and 7 years old, who may not be ready for a full Davis℠ Mastery for Dyslexia Program, but are having difficulty with learning to read and write. This program may be enough on it’s own to overcome the confusion which leads to disorientation, and later may result in challenges that can be addressed with a dyslexia program.

The approach is relaxed and fun, Happy childand the young child will be given

  • a way of being focussed to help them learn,
  • a tool to help them relax and relieve anxiety
  • mastery of all the individual letters of the alphabet,

They will begin to learn to read with

  • comprehension
  • understanding
  • accuracy
  • enjoyment

The program also includes parent participation, with training provided throughout for the parent, or other designated family member, to gain the skills needed to provide the child with ongoing quality support. They therefore, need to be present for at least half of the time during a program.

There is extensive evidence that introducing and using Davis methods in the early years of learning can be most effective in reducing referrals to special education services and need for tutoring, with an increase in identification of the gifted and talented abilities of children.

See the study on Davis Learning Strategies. The report from a 2018 action research enquiry from New Zealand is impressive reading.

All Davis clients experience success as they might never have before.

Many describe it as a life changing and transformative experience!

Further Reading

book Gift of DyslexiaThe Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis
Audio version available for download at iTunes and Audible
Book of Gift of LearningThe Gift of Learning by Ronald D. Davis

About Dyslexia Unlocked